A member directory will allow admins and members to find more information about members in your Space. This includes any information they have shared in their settings, for example: country, specific roles or interests, and most engaged members.
To find and edit these settings, go to your icon in the bottom right and add Profile settings as below.

How to Add a Member Directory as a Hub
To add a member directory, go to Add a Hub and Add Member Directory.

Add in a name, change the icon if you like, and select a default layout for your listing. This can be changed at a later stage if you prefer. Once you are ready, select Add to Hubs.

You will then see all your members displayed according to your chosen layout.
You can now do the following:
- Search for members.
- Change the layout to either grid (as shown above) or a list layout.
- You can only sort users by oldest, latest, last seen, most sessions and alphabetical.
- Select a member to see more information about them. Please note email addresses are only visible to admins.

Note: Space Admins and Moderators can download the entire member list as a CSV.